Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Religious Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious Perspectives - Essay Example As such, each forbids evil and enjoins good. That is the crux of any similarity in their perspectives. They seem to disagree on the very reason for the sermon. Popular observance of some holidays in honor of individuals is the main point of ideological contention between the speakers. The announcer leans toward approval while implying Shaykh Mahmud was somehow opposed (Windows, 109). He embraces the legendary remembrance of individuals. He focuses on the fallibility of scholars especially how they could inadvertently thwart good in their nearsightedness (Windows, 110). Shaykh Mahmud's sermon was a pretty standard "Be fair to others and praise your Maker" sermon. He did not explicitly oppose anything of the sort (Windows, 110 - 116). His non-mention of Sidi 'Abd ar-Rahman 'Uthman ash-Shahawi could be interpreted as a rejection of the proceedings Each speaker establishes a distinct position on how they believe Islam should be performed. The announcer approaches the celebration in terms of the overt observance of a holiday born in modern legend and appeals mostly to logic. Shaykh Mahmud approaches it in terms of the esoteric message appeals mostly to Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SWS). One may infer certain points about the different ways that some contemporary Muslims think about Muslim devotional practices.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Stephen King and Langston Hughes - Perspectives on Good Writing Essay Example for Free

Stephen King and Langston Hughes Perspectives on Good Writing Essay In How to Be a Bad Writer (in Ten Easy Lessons), by Langston Hughes, and Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully – in Ten Minutes, by Stephen King, the reader is advised on a variety of writing topics. Hughes, a product of segregation and racism, uses biting humor and sarcasm to rail against bad writing, whereas King, a former teacher and a product of the counterculture movement, uses folksy charm to instruct us. King cleverly prefaces his advice with a self-effacing story about learning to write in his sophomore year of High School. In essence, he says that if he could do it, then so can we, if we listen. King values brevity (remove every extraneous word) and warns us not to get on a soapbox and preach. King also has great respect for the process, from drafting to submission etiquette, and belittles those of us who do not know the markets. In conclusion, he states, â€Å"And if you listened, you can write everything and anything you want.† It sounds seductively simple, and that is King’s greatest success. He makes you believe. Hughes takes the gloves off in How to Be a Bad Writer (in Ten Easy Lessons). He scolds us with ten critical statements and leaves us to do the reverse engineering. Hughes places a premium on honesty, devoting half of his essay to that message. One example is, â€Å"Never write about anything you know, your home town, or your home folks, or yourself.† Hughes attacks dishonesty, verbosity, and affectation with, â€Å"Have nothing to say, but use a great many words, particularly high-sounding words, to say it.† When you add Hughes’ instruction to use stereotypes of older stereotypes, his anger is evident. Sadly, Hughes race-related advice, if not some of his terminology, remains relevant. There is no universally correct way to be a successful writer and I find it comforting that neither author refers to his advice as rules or laws. King and Hughes have given us valuable reference tools to assist in developing our own techniques. It is up to us to choose how we will apply their advice.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Diversity in Management Essay -- BTEC Business Marketing GCSE Coursewo

Diversity in Management Diversity in management, or lack thereof, is having the same mixture of women, blacks, and other minorities in management positions as there is in that local population. What this paper will talk about is some of the facts that business will have to face in regards to diversifying there workforce and there management. Also, it will discuss that while our workforce is becoming more diverse, the upper and middle management of many companies are not. We have to remember that having diversified workforce is not something a company should have, actually it is some thing that has happened or is soon going to happen due to the fact that we have a more diversified population. (Sutherland, 1996) This is why it is important that we train our management to deal with this inevitability. To the extent of the lack of diversity in management, it is somewhat alarming to see that while we have a rapid increase in the diversity of our population on Long Island, and a pretty diversified workforce, we don’t have well-diversified management in most companies on the island. On Long Island, two-thirds of the companies surveyed in conjunction with a recent Newsday article have no blacks, Hispanics, or Asians at anything above the vice president level. Also, of all the companies surveyed only 13 percent of them said that they had more than one minority in their executive suite. Also while women have seen an increase that has actually out numbered the number of men in professional ranks, women only account for a mere 10 percent of the total number of executive officers in the top 25 companies on Long Island. While women are getting the short end of the stick in the respect to jobs, women and other minorities are also not getting paid as much as men are. Of the 500 highest paid executives on the island and queens only 19 of them were female. That works out to be about 3.8 percent of the 500 executives. In the highest paid and the fastest growing type of business which happens to be technology, management here is represented less than in any other type of business. All women and most minorities excluding Asian Americans hold few to no jobs in this field that includes the manufacturing of computers, communication devices, and other kinds of electronic equipment. Along with technology, the stock brokerage field and securities firms all al... broadcasters must now reach out more into minority communities when hiring new workers. ( While where has been some progress in helping diversify our workforce and management it is obvious that we have a long way to go before the amount of minorities and women in a given local area equal the amount of minorities and women in managerial roles in a given company. It is unfortunate that there is such a lack of diversity because if we continue to limit the number of minorities in management positions and the number of minorities in a given community continue to rise than companies might not be able to meet the needs of their customers. That it is why it is imperative that more companies incorporate some form of a diversity program. If companies don’t start using programs like this it will not only hurt that company and community but it will also hurt the economy. Works Cited 1. The Diversity Monitor, February 2000. 2. Gordon, Craig. Newsday Vol.60 No.219. Sunday, April 9, 2000 3. Sutherland, Tyler. April 1996, 4. The Workplace Diversity Initiative,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Enriques Journey Essay

Just as Enrique arrives, there is tension between his mother and him. They begin to argue about how Enrique had developed bad habits such as drinking and staying out late as well as sniffing glue. These problems do not surprise me because he had been through alot on his intense journey all the way from Honduras. It hurt Lourdes to see her son do nothing but hurt himself and her family because the money he was spending on alcohol should have been sent back home to help pay for school. Enrique also put his mother down by constantly making her feel guilty for leaving and that she did not deserve to call herself his mother. Looking back at the relationship between them before she left, I thought that their relationship would have been stronger than ever after not seeing each other for years and that he would appreciate the fact that he found her unlike many of the other immigrants that search for years and are still unable to find their family members. Enriques motivation to stay in the United States is work and buy a house back in Honduras not to mention the amount of money he is making allows him to afford a lot more than he could back in Honduras. He wishes to continue working so he can support his girlfriend and his daughter back home in Honduras as well as buy a house so that he can move in with his girlfriend and daughter and finally be a family. He thinks that his girlfriend is cheating on him and he realizes that he wants to be there for his daughter and raise her before she calls someone else her father. Rather than Enrique moving back home he decides that he wants his girlfriend and the baby to move to the United States with him. I believe that there is so much conflict between Enrique and Lourdes is because Lourdes is trying to mother and discipline Enrique when she was not there raise him so he feels as if she is not his mother anymore. If she had not left and raised her family as her own they would not have any problems with their relationship and most likely Enrique would have not got himself into trouble by abusing drugs and drinking too much. I believe once Enrique begins to pick up his act and stops abusing drugs and drinking and coming home late his relationship with his mother would become better as well as eing able to function the next day and able to perform well at work so he can earn enough to visit his family back home in Honduras. I believe that Enrique made the correct decision coming to the United States, although he put his life in danger he reached his goal and finally got to see his mother after many years. Despite making the same mistake as his mother and leaving his girlfriend and daughter for a job to help pay for their needs, I believe it is necessary because if Enrique was back home there was a chance he could not have even had a job and then he would have had no way to support his family. He gained many things by coming to the United States. He had an opportunity to provide a decent living for his family as well as reuniting with his mother even though it was not easy for them at first. Enrique, on his journey, lost his sense of pride. After being harassed by so many times by the local police, he had nothing left to the point where it would have made no difference if he had died. He is in jeopardy of losing his family being many thousands of miles away from them, his girlfriend could leave him for someone who is making a better living in Honduras and would be able to be there to help raise their kids.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Disadvantages of video games Essay

Video games have been available to consumers for the last 30 years. They are a unique form of entertainment, because they encourage players to become a part of the game’s script. Today’s sophisticated video games require players to pay constant attention to the game, rather than passively watching a movie. This has both positive and negative impacts on players. Several studies have been published that explore these impacts on today’s children. Sections: What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? Tips on managing your child’s media consumption. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) References What impact does playing video games have on children or adolescents? The most widely used â€Å"positive† impact video games are said to have on children is that they may improve a player’s manual dexterity and computer literacy. Ever-improving technology also provides players with better graphics that give a more â€Å"realistic† virtual playing experience. This quality makes the video game industry a powerful force in many adolescent lives. However, numerous studies show that video games, especially ones with violent content, make teens more aggressive. Part of the increase in aggressive behavior is linked to the amount of time children are allowed to play video games. In one study by Walsh (2000), a majority of teens admitted that their parents do not impose a time limit on the number of hours they are allowed to play video games. The study also showed that most parents are unaware of the content or the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rating (see below) of the video games their children play. In another study conducted by Gentile, Lynch, Linder & Walsh (2004, p.6) â€Å"adolescent girls played video games for an average of 5 hours a week, whereas boys averaged 13 hours a week†. The authors also stated that teens who play violent video games for extended periods of time: Tend to be more aggressive Are more prone to confrontation with their teachers May engage in fights with their peers See a decline in school achievements. (Gentile et al, 2004). The interactive quality of video games differs from passively viewing television or movies because it allows players to become active participants in the game’s script. Players benefit from engaging in acts of violence and are then able to move to the game’s next level. Gentile & Anderson (2003) state that playing video games may increase aggressive behavior because violent acts are continually repeated throughout the video game. This method of repetition has long been considered an effective teaching method in reinforcing learning patterns. Video games also encourage players to identify with and role play their favorite characters. This is referred to as a â€Å"first-person† video game (Anderson & Dill, 2000, p. 788) because players are able to make decisions affecting the actions of the character they are imitating. After a limited amount of time playing a violent video game, a player can â€Å"automatically prime aggressive thoughts† (Bushman & Anderson, 2002, p. 1680). The researchers concluded that players who had prior experience playing violent video games responded with an increased level of aggression when they encountered confrontation (Bushman & Anderson, 2002). In a Joint Statement (2000) before the Congressional Public Health Summit, a number of American medical associations — the American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Psychological Association, American Academy of Family Physicians and American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry — caution parents about violence in the media and its negative effect on children. Their report states that exposure to violent media can elevate aggressive feelings and thoughts, especially in children. These effects on aggressive behavior can be long-term. Although fewer studies have been conducted on interactive video games, evidence suggests that playing violent video games may have a more dramatic influence on the behavior of children and adolescents (Joint Statement, 2000). Back to top Tips on managing your child’s media consumption Because of the popularity of video games, completely eliminating them from your child’s life might be difficult. But you can decrease the negative impact that they have on your child. Here are a few tips: Know the rating of the video games your child plays (see below). Do not install video game equipment in your child’s bedroom. Set limits on how often and how long your child is allowed to play video games. Monitor all of your child’s media consumption — video games, television, movies and Internet. Supervise your child’s Internet use — there are now many â€Å"video games† available for playing online. Take the time to discuss with your children the games they are playing or other media they are watching. Ask your children how they feel about what they observe in these video games, television programs or movies. This is an opportunity to share your feelings and grow closer with your child. Share with other parents information about certain games or ideas for helping each other in parenting. Back to top The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) The ESRB is a self-regulatory body established in 1994 by the Interactive Digital Software Association (IDSA). The major video game manufacturers created this board after concerned groups applied pressure over the content of video games. Similar to the movie industry’s rating system, all major game companies now submit their new products for rating to specially trained raters at the ESRB. The ESRB rates over 1,000 games per year. The ESRB looks at a number of factors when rating games. In particular, it considers the amount of violence, sex, controversial language and substance abuse found in a game. Based on its developed guidelines, the ESRB then gives an age recommendation and content descriptor to each game submitted. The following are the rating symbols currently in use, according to the ESRB Web site. Early Childhood (EC): Content should be suitable for children 3 years and older and contain no objectionable material. Everyone (E): Content suitable for persons ages 6 and older. The game may contain minimal violence and some â€Å"comic mischief. † Teen (T): Content suitable for persons ages 13 and older. Content is more violent than (E) rating and contains mild or strong language, and/or suggestive themes. Mature (M): Content suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Content definitely has more mature sexual themes, intense violence and stronger language. Adults Only (AO): Content suitable only for adults and may contain graphic sex and/or violence. Adult Only products are not intended for persons under the age of 18. Rating Pending (RP): Game has been submitted to the ESRB and is awaiting a final rating. The ESRB Web site has more details about this rating system, as well as the â€Å"content descriptors† that are used in conjunction with the ratings on game packaging. The site is also useful for parents who want to search for the rating of a particular game. Back to top References Bushman, B. & Anderson, C. (2002). Violent Video Games and Hostile Expectations: A Test of the General Aggression Model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28, 1679-1686. Gentile, D. A. & Anderson, C. A. (2003). Violent video games: The newest media violence hazard. In D. A. Gentile (Ed. ), Media violence and children. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing. Gentile, D. A. , Lynch, P. , Linder, J. & Walsh, D. (2004). The effects of violent video game habits on adolescent hostility, aggressive behaviors, and school performance. Journal of Adolescence, 27, 5-22. Joint Statement on the Impact of Entertainment Violence on Children: Congressional Public Health Summit. (July 26, 2000. ) Available: http://www. aap. org/advocacy/ releases/jstmtevc. htm. Walsh, D. (2000). Interactive violence and children: Testimony submitted to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate. (March 21, 2000.). Back to top Source: http://www. pamf. org/preteen/parents/videogames. html By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Reviewed by the Web Content Committee of PAMF Additional articles: Violent Video Games and Aggressive Behaviors, By Andrea Norcia, college student writer Join the conversation: Website Feedback Site Map  © 2012 Palo Alto Medical Foundation. All rights reserved. Sutter Health is a registered trademark of Sutter Health ®, Reg. U. S. Patent. & Trademark office. Serving communities around Palo Alto, Mountain View, Fremont, San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, Dublin, San Mateo & Santa Cruz.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

American Conspiracies essays

American Conspiracies essays There is no doubt that the American government has been withholding evidence of conspiracy activities from the populace, but the question remaining would be how deep do these secrets run? As a citizen of the United States of America, one deserves the right to know the truths about certain events. Two of the greatest events shrouded in conspiracy would be the JFK assassination and the Pearl Harbor bombing. The assassination of John F. Kennedy happened more that 30 years ago, but there is no other event that has received such voluminous writing, research and speculation in the first three decades after it happened. Obviously the most contemplated theory is the lone gunman theory. Autopsies reveal that there was more that one shot, but the government states that they came from single striking range (Griffith 1). If that were so, then James Tague would not have been struck in the cheek by a flying projectile. When the shots were fired, James Tague was standing near the triple underpass in the Dealy Plaza (Griffith 2). He was standing about 450 from the TSDB when suddenly a bullet struck the curb on Main Street about 20 feet from where he was standing(Griffith 2). A local officer noticed blood seeping from Tagues cheek. It was most likely caused by flying concrete after being struck by a bullet. Tague described the mark on the curb, as it appeared when he saw it: There was a mark. Quite obviously, it was a bullet, and it was very fresh(Weisberg, Case Open, 141; Warren Commission Report 116). The lone gunman theory allows for one miss, yet if the supposed shot from the sixth floor window hit the curb near Tague, then it was a wild miss(Griffith 1). The theory that J. Edgar Hoover proposed was that the lead fragment from the fatal headshot struck the curb and hit Tague in the cheek. That is where the lone ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

How a Solid Propellant Rocket Works

How a Solid Propellant Rocket Works Solid propellant rockets include all of the older firework rockets, however, there are now more advanced fuels, designs, and functions with solid propellants. Solid propellant rockets were invented before liquid-fueled rockets. The solid propellant type began with contributions by scientists Zasiadko, Constantinov, and Congreve. Now in an advanced state, solid propellant rockets remain in widespread use today, including the Space Shuttle dual booster engines and the Delta series booster stages. How a Solid Propellant Functions Surface area is the amount of propellant exposed to interior combustion flames, existing in a direct relationship with thrust. An increase in surface area will increase thrust but will reduce burn-time since the propellant is being consumed at an accelerated rate. The optimal thrust is typically a constant one, which can be achieved by maintaining a constant surface area throughout the burn. Examples of constant surface area grain designs include: end burning, internal-core, and outer-core burning, and internal star core burning. Various shapes are used for the optimization of grain-thrust relationships since some rockets may require an initially high thrust component for takeoff while a lower thrust will suffice its post-launch regressive thrust requirements. Complicated grain core patterns, in controlling the exposed surface area of the rockets fuel, often have parts coated with a non-flammable plastic (such as cellulose acetate). This coat prevents internal combustion flames from igniting that portion of fuel, ignited only later when the burn reaches the fuel directly. Specific Impulse In designing the rockets propellant grain specific impulse must be taken into account since it can be the difference failure (explosion), and a successfully optimized thrust producing rocket. Modern Solid Fueled Rockets Advantages/Disadvantages Once a solid rocket is ignited it will consume the entirety of its fuel, without any option for shutoff or thrust adjustment. The Saturn V moon rocket used nearly 8 million pounds of thrust that would not have been feasible with the use of solid propellant, requiring a high specific impulse liquid propellant.The danger involved in the premixed fuels of monopropellant rockets i.e. sometimes nitroglycerin is an ingredient. One advantage is the ease of storage of solid propellant rockets. Some of these rockets are small missiles such as Honest John and Nike Hercules; others are large ballistic missiles such as Polaris, Sergeant, and Vanguard. Liquid propellants may offer better performance, but the difficulties in propellant storage and handling of liquids near absolute zero (0 degrees Kelvin) has limited their use unable to meet the stringent demands the military requires of its firepower. Liquid fueled rockets were first theorized by Tsiolkozski in his Investigation of Interplanetary Space by Means of Reactive Devices, published in 1896. His idea was realized 27 years later when Robert Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket. Liquid fueled rockets propelled the Russians and Americans deep into the space age with the mighty Energiya SL-17 and Saturn V rockets. The high thrust capacities of these rockets enabled our first travels into space. The giant step for mankind that took place on July 21, 1969, as Armstrong stepped onto the moon, was made possible by the 8 million pounds of thrust of the Saturn V rocket. How a Liquid Propellant Functions Two metal tanks hold the fuel and oxidizer respectively. Due to properties of these two liquids, they are typically loaded into their tanks just prior to launch. The separate tanks are necessary, for many liquid fuels burn upon contact. Upon a set launching sequence two valves open, allowing the liquid to flow down the pipe-work. If these valves simply opened allowing the liquid propellants to flow into the combustion chamber, a weak and unstable thrust rate would occur, so either a pressurized gas feed or a turbopump feed is used. The simpler of the two, the pressurized gas feed, adds a tank of high-pressure gas to the propulsion system. The gas, an unreactive, inert, and light gas (such as helium), is held and regulated, under intense pressure, by a valve/regulator. The second, and often preferred, solution to the fuel transfer problem is a turbopump. A turbopump is the same as a regular pump in function and bypasses a gas-pressurized system by sucking out the propellants and accelerating them into the combustion chamber. The oxidizer and fuel are mixed and ignited inside the combustion chamber and thrust is created. Oxidizers Fuels Advantages/Disadvantages Unfortunately, the last point makes liquid propellant rockets intricate and complex. A real modern liquid bipropellant engine has thousands of piping connections carrying various cooling, fueling, or lubricating fluids. Also, the various sub-parts such as the turbopump or regulator consist of separate vertigo of pipes, wires, control valves, temperature gauges, and support struts. Given the many parts, the chance of one integral function failing is large. As noted before, liquid oxygen is the most commonly used oxidizer, but it too has its drawbacks. To achieve the liquid state of this element, a temperature of -183 degrees Celsius must be obtainedconditions under which oxygen readily evaporates, losing a large sum of oxidizer just while loading. Nitric acid, another powerful oxidizer, contains 76% oxygen, is in its liquid state at STP, and has a high specific gravity―all great advantages. The latter point is a measurement similar to density and as it rises higher so to does the propellants performance. But, nitric acid is hazardous in handling (mixture with water produces a strong acid) and produces harmful by-products in combustion with fuel, thus its use is limited. Developed in the second century BC, by the ancient Chinese, fireworks are the oldest form of rockets and the most simplistic. Originally fireworks had religious purposes but were later adapted for military use during the middle ages in the form of flaming arrows. During the tenth and thirteenth centuries, the Mongols and the Arabs brought the major component of these early rockets to the West: gunpowder. Although the cannon, and gun became the major developments from the eastern introduction of gunpowder, rockets also resulted. These rockets were essentially enlarged fireworks which propelled, further than the longbow or cannon, packages of explosive gunpowder. During the late eighteenth century imperialistic wars, Colonel Congreve developed his famed rockets, which trave range distances of four miles. The rockets red glare (American Anthem) records the usage of rocket warfare, in its early form of military strategy, during the inspirational battle of Fort McHenry. How Fireworks Function A fuse (cotton twine coated with gunpowder) is lit by a match or by a punk (a wooden stick with a coal-like red-glowing tip). This fuse burns rapidly into the core of the rocket where it ignites the gunpowder walls of the interior core. As mentioned before one of the chemicals in gunpowder is potassium nitrate, the most important ingredient. The molecular structure of this chemical, KNO3, contains three atoms of oxygen (O3), one atom of nitrogen (N), and one atom of potassium (K). The three oxygen atoms locked into this molecule provide the air that the fuse and the rocket used to burn the other two ingredients, carbon and sulfur. Thus potassium nitrate oxidizes the chemical reaction by easily releasing its oxygen. This reaction is not spontaneous though, and must be initiated by heat such as the match or punk.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Quick Facts About Americas Mount Rushmore

Quick Facts About America's Mount Rushmore Mount Rushmore is located in the Black Hills of Keystone,  South Dakota. The sculpture of four famous presidents - George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln - was carved into the granite rock face over many decades. According to the National Park Service, approximately 2.5 million people visit the monument each year.   Fast Facts: Mount Rushmore Location: Near Rapid City, South DakotaArtist: Gutzon Borglum. Died seven months before it was finished; completed by son Lincoln.Size: The presidents faces are 60 feet high.Material: Granite rock faceYear Started: 1927Year Completed: 1941Cost: $989,992.32Notable: The artist was tagged for the project because of his work on the Confederate Memorial Carving at Stone Mountain, Georgia, which he began. His work was removed and another artist finished it, however. Also in the national park is the Avenue of Flags, representing the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.  In the summertime, the monument is also lit up at night. History of Mount Rushmore National Park   Gutzon Borglums model of Mt. Rushmore memorial, where you see the original plans. Library of Congresss Prints and Photographs Division/Public Domain/Wiki Commons   Mount Rushmore National Park was the brainchild of Doane Robinson, known as the â€Å"Father of Mount Rushmore.† His goal was to create an attraction that would draw people from all over the country to his state. Robinson contacted Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who was working on the monument at Stone Mountain, Georgia. Borglum met with Robinson during 1924 and 1925. He was the one who identified Mount Rushmore as a perfect location for a grand monument. This was due to the cliffs height above the surrounding area; its composition of granite, which would be slow to erode; and the fact that it faced southeast, to take advantage of the rising sun each day. Robinson worked with John Boland, President Calvin Coolidge, Rep. William Williamson, and Sen. Peter Norbeck to gain support in Congress and the funding to proceed. Congress agreed to match up to $250,000 of funding for the project and created the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission. Work began, and by 1933 the Mount Rushmore project became part of the National Park Service. Borglum did not like having the NPS oversee the construction. However, he continued to work on the project until his death in 1941. The monument was deemed complete and ready for dedication on October 31, 1941. It eventually cost nearly $1 million. Why Each of the Four Presidents Was Chosen Tetra Images/Getty Images Borglum made the decision about which presidents to include on the mountain. According to the National Park Service, heres his reasoning: George Washington: He was the first president and represented the foundation of American democracy.Thomas Jefferson: With the Louisiana Purchase, he greatly expanded the nation. He was also the author of the hugely influential Declaration of Independence.  Theodore Roosevelt: He not only represented the industrial development of the nation but was also widely known for conservation efforts.  Abraham Lincoln: As the president during the U.S. Civil War, he represents the preservation of the nation above all costs.   Carving Done With Dynamite The powder monkey is holding dynamite and detonators.   Archive Photos/Getty Images With 450,000 tons of granite that needed to be removed, the sculptor found out early on that jackhammers were not going to take care of the job fast enough. He employed a munitions expert to insert charges of dynamite into drilled holes and blasted the rock off when the workers were off of the mountain. Eventually, 90 percent of the granite removed from the rock face was done with dynamite. Changes to the Design The unfinished hall of records behind Abraham Lincolns head, just as Gutzon Borglum left it. Rachel.Miller727/Creative Commons/Wiki Commons During production, the design went through nine changes. Entablature What appears isnt exactly how the sculpture was conceived by sculptor Borglum, who also had plans for wording to be etched into the rock face, called the Entablature. It was to contain a brief history of the United States, highlighting nine important events between 1776 and 1906, carved into an image of the Louisiana Purchase. Given issues over the wording and funding and the fact that people wouldnt be able to read it from a distance, that idea was scrapped. Hall of Records Another plan was to have a Hall of Records in a room behind Lincolns head that would be accessed by the public via a staircase from the base of the mountain. On display would be important documents in a room decorated with mosaics. It too was discontinued, in 1939, due to lack of funding. Congress told the artist to concentrate on the faces and just get it done. A tunnel is what remains. It does house some porcelain panels giving the background about the building of the monument, the artist, and the presidents, but its inaccessible to visitors due to the lack of a staircase. More Than Heads Mock-ups of the design include the four presidents from the waist up. Funding was ever an issue, and the directive was to just stick with the four faces. Jefferson Moved Over Thomas Jefferson was originally on the other side of George Washington. Carmen Martinez Torron/Getty Images Thomas Jefferson was originally started on George Washingtons right, and carving of Jeffersons face began in 1931. However, the granite there was full of quartz. Workers kept blasting off the quartz, but after 18 months they realized that the location was just not working. His face was dynamited off and carved on the other side. Carving Stone carvers on scaffolding and hoists carve the face of Thomas Jefferson into Mount Rushmore. George Rinhart/Getty Images Workers hung from a 3/8-inch steel cable in bosuns chairs as they worked with jackhammers, drills, and chisels and carried dynamite. To their credit, no one died during Mount Rushmores construction - or the mountains destruction, as the case may be. A crew of four hundred worked on the sculpture. Facts About Borglum American Sculptor Gutzon Borglum. George Rinhart/Getty Images Art Background Gutzon Borglum studied in Paris and became friends with Auguste Rodin, who heavily influenced the young artist.  Borglum was the first American sculptor to have his work purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.   Stone Mountain Although Borglum had begun the sculpture on Stone Mountain, Georgia, he never finished it. He left on bad terms, and his work was cleared away from the mountain face. Another sculptor, Augustus Lukeman, was called in to finish the work.   Tempestuous Boss Borglum  was often away during the sculpting of Mount Rushmore. While it was being completed, he also made a sculpture of Thomas Paine for Paris and Woodrow Wilson for Poland. His son supervised the work on the mountain during his absence.   When he was on site, he was known for his mood swings and was continuously firing and rehiring people. His energy for the project and persistence, through many years of trials and issues with funding, eventually led to the projects completion. Unfortunately, he died seven months before it was done. His son completed it. Origin of the Mountain Name The mountain took its name - incredibly - from a New York attorney there on business who asked the name of the location in 1884 or 1885. A local man with the group looking at the mountain informed him that it didnt have a name but said, We will name it now, and name it Rushmore Peak, according to a letter from Charles Rushmore, the lawyer who was in the area for a client researching a mine.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Realist Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Realist Theory - Essay Example The theory infers that the system is continually changing to create adjustments to nations such that new systems are created or older are being restored. Therefore, the balance of power theory involves a specific power distribution between states of a system such that no single nation has too much or less of the other . This paper analyses this context and provides a historic case outlay on the application of this theory, the implications of the test results for the case and identifies if the theory is applicable to the case (Marshall, 1970). Over the years, the term balance of power has been used in different areas of history, politics and science each bringing foreword a different meaning from the other. This is due to the difference in the meanings that are portrayed by various states on the term power. To some, power means the use of political force, the superiority of economy or diplomatic coercion to create a desirable outcome by a state. To others, power refers to the ability of a state to impose its will on another despite the resistance raised while others view this concept as the ability of a state to influence the behavior of one or more states through policy implementation (Stanley & Fidler, 1991). The paper seeks to compare and contrast two segments on balance of power relating to the classical and the modern era of political thought which forms the major variable. The balance of power theory is used to illustrate different cases with the major being the Persian Gulf War . Here, the U.S is unwilling to destroy and entirely dismember Iraq due to the balance of power concept which prevented the interruption of the powers of the Middle East. The two concepts raised in the theory is effective in understanding the conduct of international relations and preservation of the international nations system. My conclusion about the performance of the theory here is that it is effective in analyzing the case and that it gives a clear basis on relations amongst states. The theory has a great performance in the case as it infers the effectiveness of balancing power and how this theory is applied in solving international disputes. The theory independent variables relate to issues that constitute a state such as power, balance and sovereignty that enables a state to be independent while the dependent variables are the states and the relations based on the theories. Others may relate to the classical and modern views of politics which are harmonized by the realism concept. The link among the two variables are that they both belong with the realism school of thought. In the classical view, states are created to prevent war. It claims that the society despite the corruption shelters men from harm but only if it is established and enforced in law (Stanley & Fidler, 1991). A democratic government established though the power of the people are perceived to be legitimate . Based on this concept, the function of the government is to implement the law s formulated, promote patriotism through education and promote wealth distribution to enhance cohesion (Micheal, 2000). The classical concept maintains that the balance of power prevents nations from breaking apart . The balance ensures that no particular state or an alliance of nations is allowed by unwritten laws to obtain more power, such that it overwhelms the rest and that this balance is independent. The modern era of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Human Resource Management - Essay Example There is a whole list of factors that affect a further process of employees’ recruitment. (Ali 12) Current research indicates that the process of recruitment cannot be controlled by an organization. According to the recent research, the major factors that improve the performance of an organization include the following: The availability of manpower can affect the performance of an organization. If the company has a low supply of external sources, then it has to take time to prepare its own workforce. â€Å"This availability is present both within and outside the organization. Current research indicates that availability of the resources often serves to be an important factor of a successful recruitment process† (Rush 4). Labor Market often influences the recruiting work of the company. It means that if an excess of manpower exists, then an organization has the right to recruit additional notice boards. These boards are able to recruit additional applicants. There are frequent cases when the image of an employee can badly affect the performance of an organization. An employee’s bad image can also serve as a possible restriction for recruitment. It means that a company with a good representation has a greater chance to get and keep more workers than a company with a negative representation (Rush 23). Current research indicates that there is a whole list of various government regulations that prohibits discrimination. All these prohibitions have a direct impact on recruitment practices. Unions have an important role in the recruitment process. They often restrict management freedom of employees, thus affecting their performance within an organization. One of the aspects that matter is the accessibility of resources. This availability often influences the development of the economy. When the organization does not create new jobs, then it means that it has many

Nutrition 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutrition 6 - Assignment Example The symptoms of infection include diarrhea and excessive vomiting that last up to a week. Further, other symptoms that accompany vomiting and diarrhea include fever, fatigue, abdominal cramps, and nausea. 2. Do you believe that GM foods should be readily widely distributed to the public? (Make sure to refer to the facts in the article to support your ideas. Address the benefits and risks associated with GM organisms. GM food should not be widely distributed to the public because they might cause health problems this is because genetic foods are produced using poisonous synthetic fertilizers, animal feed antibiotics, and growth hormones that are harmful to human health. Genetically modified foods should be labeled so that people have a choice on what kind of food they want to purchase. However, genetically modified foods are beneficial since they lead to high yields. Proper labeling matters a lot because it reveals nutritional values of the foods which gives a consumer an easy time deciding whether to buy or not (Crinnion, 2010). Organic foods use organic fertilizers, which mean they are free from chemical contamination. On the other hand, genetically modified foods are produced using synthetic fertilizers that contain toxins and chemicals. Conventional farming use synthetic fertilizers made from nitrogen, which in turn finds its way into lakes, rivers, and other ecosystems thus affecting water surroundings (Singer, 2012). Contrary, organic farming does not pollute the ecosystem because farmers use fewer fertilizers and in some cases, they do not use any fertilizers. It is significant to note that organic method of farming enables the soil to store more carbon thus reducing the rate of carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere (Crinnion, 2010). Organic foods are healthier than other foods because Consumers believe that organic foods have fewer poisonous chemicals and higher nutritional value. The levels of nutrients in organic foods vary because of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Introduction to Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Introduction to Marketing - PowerPoint Presentation Example outsourcing social media marketing services from the social media companies that have since been established and now, looking to dominate the industry. The overall market size for the social media advertising companies cannot be estimated precisely because to do so, one will need to count the ever-growing number of companies and institutions being established daily, and who essentially need to market their products. Thousands of existing companies and institutions are already outsourcing social media services, so an estimate of 50% of all businesses countrywide would be an appropriate market size, for now. 1. Placing adverts for companies and institutions on all the six most popular social media platforms. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus+ and You Tube. The choice of platforms to use depends on the social media sites preferred by the client and most importantly, the nature of products and serviced being advertised. 2. Content creation and campaign management services. In an effort to marketing a particular product or service, there has to be a campaign to sensitize its use and the content in that campaign needs to be original. 4. Research, monitoring and analysis of social media marketing.- success depends on your ability to measure and understand your efforts. Community measurement is an essential tool in social media marketing. 2. The top areas businesses want to flourish in are tactics and engagement processes - At least 89% of companies want to use the most effective social tactics and engagement plans for their social media audience. 4. Businesses want to make the most out of Google+ - While 54% of big corporations are using Google+, 65% of smaller companies want to know more about it and 61% plan on increasing Google+ activities this year. 5. Podcasting is on growth trajectory-Though only 6% of companies have utilized podcasting in their advertising, 21% plan to increase their podcasting activities this year. That is

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Care Provider and Faith Diversity - Essay Example The most important element to point out is that every kind of faith is very critical in relations to spiritual perceptive and healing process especially when nursing caregiver is completely from a different faith. However, much has been linked to Christian philosophy and faith of healing. According to Kliewer & Saultz (2006), nursing and healthcare service is one of the most critical professions that call for a response of diversity from both cultural aspects and religious concepts of life. In the past, nursing care practices has made recommendable achievements in bridging the gap between religious practices and patients care in the healthcare industry. As such, there are concerns to carry out an evaluation on the importance of healthcare diversity because some religious faiths believe that healthcare practices interfere with their faith in God while others accept healthcare practices as an activity ordained by God to inspire positive health of the believers. As a healthcare provider, there is a need to assimilate healthcare diversity that embraces religious inclusion into the service centers because it would help to prevent the believers from feeling isolated. The above approach is quite important since it integrates well with faith and spiritual philosophy with lon g-term healthcare effects across denominations. A practical approach can best be illustrated through Baha’i, Buddhism and Sikhism amongst other religious denominations. The Baha’i religion forms the youngest faith of independent believers across the world. The above religion was founded by Prophet Baha’u’llah who has gained recognition by the believers as an anointed prophet of God. Baha’i religion respects humanity and a perception that all mankind is of one biological and spiritually unity. Baha’i teachings are streamlined towards morals and benevolent of the society. Besides, the religion denounces any act of slavery while encouraging equity of gender with only one wife in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Introduction to Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

Introduction to Marketing - PowerPoint Presentation Example outsourcing social media marketing services from the social media companies that have since been established and now, looking to dominate the industry. The overall market size for the social media advertising companies cannot be estimated precisely because to do so, one will need to count the ever-growing number of companies and institutions being established daily, and who essentially need to market their products. Thousands of existing companies and institutions are already outsourcing social media services, so an estimate of 50% of all businesses countrywide would be an appropriate market size, for now. 1. Placing adverts for companies and institutions on all the six most popular social media platforms. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Plus+ and You Tube. The choice of platforms to use depends on the social media sites preferred by the client and most importantly, the nature of products and serviced being advertised. 2. Content creation and campaign management services. In an effort to marketing a particular product or service, there has to be a campaign to sensitize its use and the content in that campaign needs to be original. 4. Research, monitoring and analysis of social media marketing.- success depends on your ability to measure and understand your efforts. Community measurement is an essential tool in social media marketing. 2. The top areas businesses want to flourish in are tactics and engagement processes - At least 89% of companies want to use the most effective social tactics and engagement plans for their social media audience. 4. Businesses want to make the most out of Google+ - While 54% of big corporations are using Google+, 65% of smaller companies want to know more about it and 61% plan on increasing Google+ activities this year. 5. Podcasting is on growth trajectory-Though only 6% of companies have utilized podcasting in their advertising, 21% plan to increase their podcasting activities this year. That is

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reward Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Reward Managment - Essay Example In case these requirements are satisfied, the company will be considered for tender negotiations that will be held after five years. The report considers the council expectations as the immediate business goals to be met and looks at means to drive the organization to achieve the goals. The company will need to re-look the processes and increase the focus on teamwork. The issues that are likely to hinder the ability of the company to gear up to these requirements lie in the tall hierarchical structure that operates at the plant and the remuneration structure both of which are unsuited to team effort. In addition, the workforce is associated with UNISON, a union with a large membership that has the capability to affect the ‘no service disruption’ expectation of the council in case of a conflict. The report further recommends ways to manage the changed method of working to reach the business goals. The report explores the various incentive schemes that may be considered an d chooses the appropriate options. It recommends a review of the existing pay structure and introduction of an incentive structure that recognizes team as well as individual output. Contents Executive summary 1 Introduction 3 Critical analysis and evaluation 5 Decision to rationalize operations 5 Remuneration structure 5 Organisation structure 5 Recommendations 6 Develop a reward strategy 6 Current pay structure 6 Incentives 7 Union and workforce perception management 8 Expected flashpoints with Unison 8 Bibliography 10 Introduction Refusenicks PLC is in the business of waste disposal and recycling that has a contract with Fellshore County Council. The Council has recently taken the decision to rationalize operations by shutting down 4 out of 6 waste disposal plants and selling the land for buildings and refurbishing two plants with sophisticated machinery. Refusenick must cater to the requirements of the council in order to be considered for tender negotiations to be held after 5 y ears. The requirements to be satisfied are: efficient disposal of waste appropriate management of environment and pollution no service disruption be a model employer These requirements lay the ground for arriving at business goals and consequently the design of business processes to reach them. The workforce that supports these requirements is headed by a Works Manager assisted by the Deputy Works Manager. They are in turn supported by two shift superintendents and deputy superintendents and 12 supervisors to oversee the work done by 75 operatives in a shift. The Works Manager also has a maintenance team that operates over the weekend. Waste processing was earlier conducted in 6 plants which is now curtailed to 2 with more automated processing. The earlier system operated on a 9-hour shift over a 5-day work week. The current system operates on three 8-hour shifts over a 5-day work week. The current financial remuneration components are: Base pay Unsocial hour allowance for the Works Manager and Deputy Works Manager Shift allowance from the level of Shift Superintendent and below Bonus is paid only at the level of the operative The salary ranges are below: Level Min Max Bonus Allowance Min Total p.a. Max Total p.a Works Manager 22512 24000 Â   1200 23712 25200 Deputy Works Manager 20295 21654 Â   1200 21495 22854 Shift Superintendent 17922 19656 Â   10% 19714.2 21621.6 Dy. Shift Superintendent 15675 17460 Â   10% 17242.5 19206 Supervisor 14363 15372 Â   10% 15799.3 16909.2 Operative 13550

Monday, October 14, 2019

Exclusionary Rule Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Exclusionary Rule Evaluation Essay The Exclusionary Rule was designed to exclude evidence obtained in violation of a criminal defendant’s Fourth Amendment rights. The Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable search and seizures by law enforcement personnel. If the search of a criminal suspect is searched unreasonable, the evidence obtained in the search will be excluded from trial. The Exclusionary Rule is a court made rule it is not in any of the statutes, it was not created by the Legislative bodies but rather by the United States Supreme Court. The Exclusionary Rule applies to the federal courts by virtue of the Fourth Amendment. Police misconduct plays a key role the rule and if there wasn’t misconduct within our police department the Exclusionary Rule would not exist today. The Fourth Amendment and the Exclusionary Rule go hand in hand; the 4th Amendment protects us from unreasonable (illegal) search and seizures and if there is evidence steaming from a violation of the 4th Amendment then that evidence ikest thrown completely out of the trial. The rule mostly is there tas the enforcer on the government, the Exclusionary Rule was introduced by the Supreme Court in 1914 from the case Weeks v. United States. I think that the rule does not need to be abolished because the government should be held accountable for their actions; even though the government is a system divided. I think that we the people are held accountable in the court of law then it is only right they are too. Have you ever taken a leap in good faith? Well, the Exclusionary Rule has a good faith exception And it provides that when an honest mistake is made during the course of a search and seizure any subsequently obtained evidence will be considered admissible. (Worrall, 2012) I think some things could be updated not only in the criminal justice system but the Constitution and statutes. The judges are given absolute immunity protecting them from any of their decisions and the prosecutors are given qualified ammunity References Criminal Procedure John Worrall, (2012)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Triple Bottom Line Reporting on Corporate Sustainability

Triple Bottom Line Reporting on Corporate Sustainability In this paper we explore the concept of triple bottom line reporting and its use in gauging the level of corporate sustainability. The concept of triple bottom line reporting is shown to be effective in ensuring that the corporate sustainability concerns are addressed and business takes account of the outcomes. This is done using a review of relevant literature in order to point out the success factors as well as the threats that face TBL reporting programs. Introduction The contemporary corporate environment and culture has been steadily leaning towards the increasing need of higher levels of transparency and accountability in regard to public reporting as well as communication. This is a trend that demands for increased disclosure of the nature and level of corporate performance and engagements in matters of social-economic and environmental dimensions (G100 2003).In a nutshell, the public is in need of information regarding the level of sustainability in which various corporations engage in. In order to gauge the level of sustainability, it is important that a standard of reporting be adopted. Triple Bottom Line reporting is one of the techniques of reporting sustainability. The definition of TBL reporting A standard definition of triple bottom line reporting does not exist. This therefore means that no universally accepted definition exists. It can loosely be defined as the a form of corporate communication which engages stakeholders and holds the key to the corporations accepted approach to the management of social, economic and environmental dimensions via clearly instituted communication channel that provides information on the above mentioned three dimensions (G100 2003). The elements of social, economic and finally the environmental dimensions in an organization are what constitutes sustainability/sustainable development.TBL can therefore basically be used to refer to the official publication of social, economic and environmental information of a given business entity in a manner that is integrated to reflect both the activities as well as the results of a corporations performance on the basis of the three dimensions. The factors driving the general trend towards the adoption of TBL reporting There are quite a number of factors that are driving corporation towards the adoption of TBL reporting. Some of these factors are; mandatory requirements, the need to be consistent with the high level of public vigilance on the corporate code of behavior, and the increase in the level of stakeholder requirement for high level of transparency as well as results. The idea of Triple Bottom Line (TBL) reporting has in the previous years become progressively more stylish in organizations; consulting firms, investment firms, and also the NGOs extensively employ it in the management of their operations. The thought lies behind the TBL model is that a firms final can be gauged not merely by the customary financial end result, but again by its social, moral as well as ecological performance. For quite a long time, the majority individuals who are both in the corporate world and outside have come to an agreement that organizations are required by the stakeholders to perform their tasks responsibly. Firms are not capable of flourishing in the long run when they constantly ignore the interests of the main stakeholders. The evident uniqueness of TBL is lying in the contention of its supporters that the general accomplishment of responsibilities to the society, workers, clients, and suppliers ought to be calculated, reviewed and the information provided to the stakeholders the same way that the financial results of public corporations is being conducted. If we strongly believe that moral practices of the business and also social responsibility are significant purposes of corporate authority and administration, then we ought to accept the efforts to come up with tools that are capable of making much clearer to the administrators, shareholders besides the other stakeholders how well a corporation is performing in this regard. This paper looks at the usefulness of TBL, the advantages of socially responsible practices by the businesses, and the probable effectiveness of tools that are capable of being used to assess and report on performance. Triple bottom line reporting is making firms liable for not only economic and social effects but also for environmental results of doing businesses. Indeed it is an accepted accounting form for the nonprofit organizations and also the governmental organizations to demonstrate their dedication to corporate social responsibilities. To these firms, both the ecological and also social performance also significant the way financial performance is important. The concept of triple bottom line reporting was originally applied by John Elkington in the year 1995. He published a book concerning this topic in the year 1998. The book was entitled Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. Indeed, Triple bottom line reporting has got drive in all sectors and industries and not for the not for profit making organizations and also for government organizations as it has been presumed. As stated above, the term triple bottom line was supposedly invented by John Elkington in the year 1995 (Sarre Treuren 2001) despite the fact that it was not made popular until the book that he published became widespread in the year 1997. The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is an idea that has got authorized imprimatur as a structure to give confidence to the organizational concerns regarding sustainability. Despite the fact that at first it was viewed as a mere idea or a method of thinking about sustainability, similar to the notion of corporate social responsibility, it has now become a device for both accounting and reporting. Other authors are arguing that Triple Bottom Line is essentially imperfect in the things it is offering, and besides, they are saying it is transmitted by proponents who are mainly uninformed of the other approaches that are in existence. The Function of Triple bottom line reporting Triple bottom line reporting needs the corporations to socially be responsible to both the shareholders and also to every stakeholder of the respective firms. Stakeholders usually entail all the shareholders, workers, clients, goods and services providers and any other person who is influenced by the events and proceedings of the business. It is demanding that a firm be liable for all the aspects of the business. The Benefits of Triple bottom line reporting The social feature of triple bottom line reporting is focusing on reasonable treatment of a firms human resources. in addition to the provision of a safe place of work and also reasonable salary for workers, being responsible socially involve performing responsible and helpful business practices in the community the surrounds the business. Triple bottom line reporting is requiring a corporation to be involved in sustainable ecological activities. Corporations and firms ought to put great efforts to conserve the surroundings, or to significantly minimize the harm that they are inflicting on to the surroundings. A corporation using triple bottom line reporting is capable of managing the utilization of energy, minimizes waste, recycles resources and also shuns the production of very dangerous substances like chemicals and weapons. The Significance of Triple bottom line reporting When a business appears to be both socially and environmentally responsible to its clients, it will be capable of maximizing the profits that it is making. It is very common situation to see many companies making headlines because of being involved in accounting scandals, giving their workers very unjust salaries, unsafe work conditions and prejudice. All these reports are affecting the reputation of the firms that are involved besides their goodwill, thereby resulting into the lost of many revenues. Also, focusing on more things just profits can help a company open market potential that was unattainable before. Companies may also lose market share to other competing businesses that are utilizing triple bottom line reporting because they appear more socially responsible to consumers. TBL is capable of making a firm to reach the untapped market. Indeed TBL firms are capable of finding niches that are financially profitable, and which were previously missed by the firms when their driving force was money only. TBL is capable of developing highly profitable ways to aid the NGOs that are in existence with their missions like fundraisings, getting to the customers, or generating networking opportunities with other numerous NGOs.It is also capable of providing goods and services which will be of great use to the populations that are languishing in poverty. It is capable of making businesses to become familiar with new business ventures. Due to the fact that numerous business opportunities are coming up in the sphere of social entrepreneurship, the businesses that are having hopes of reaching this growing market have to prepare themselves of being profitable financially, socially helpful and economically sustainable or else they will not be able to compete with the firms which are not designing themselves that way. For instance, just trade and ethical Trade firms need moral and sustainable practices from every supplier providing them with goods and services. Any businesses that are having plans of working with the firms that are dealing in just Trade or moral Trade have to design the models of their business to become TBL. Firms usually issue TBL reports mainly for two purposes: to meet the demands of the investors and also to be recognized for the actions that the firms do. For instance, firms like Shell and Nike have in the past applied this kind of reporting to enable them restore the reputations of their firms after having received negative exposure for inefficient ecological and social decisions Tschopp (2003) Firms are usually being scrutinized both by the media coverage and public watchdog groups. It is an undeniable fact that the individuals who are capable of ensuring that their firms have good reputations in environmental conservation and social policies will have to succeed. Those ignoring responsibilities as such will probably fail Tschopp (2003) Firms are also capable of getting financial advantages from TBL reporting. The firms will be able to get attention from the new investors. Similarly, they will trap new employees as they maintain their current workers. TBL reporting permits transparency of a firms environmental and social undertakings, limitations, and goals of the years to come. Firms that are striving for success are capable of meeting eligibility standards and they can be members of some environmental and social funds. When the firms fail to achieve the requirements, their stock performance can be hindered (Tschopp 2003). Triple bottom reporting has been shown to have several benefits. The first on is that it improves the reputation of an organization. It also has a positive influence on the brand name of the firm as well as its products. The reputation of a corporation is a function of the manner in which it is perceived by the stakeholders. Having an effective method of communicating with the stakeholders on the social, economic and environmental dimensions can act very well in changing the perceptions of the stakeholders and in the process improving the reputation of the corporation. The other benefits of TBL reporting are that it aids the corporation to openly operate in the society. In this context, it acts as a sort of a license to enable the business to operate freely by the virtue of the support, acceptance and acknowledgement that it receives from the stakeholders. The transparency in communication and accountability in actions are what makes it possible for the corporations to be granted the license to operate. The rest are outlined below Through the integration of sustainability into the business models and thinking, firms are capable of realizing these seven bottom line benefits: It will be very easy to hire the best employees. Researchers are estimating that the highly significant corporate resource after 20 years for any organization is usually talented workers. Majority of them usually pay great concentration to corporate social responsibilities and also to the environmental behavior of the firms for which they are working. TBL results into greater withholding of the top talents. It is very challenging for firms to keep their most talented and most skilled workers in the present market that is characterized by a lot of competition. Studies are however showing that the skilled workers usually tend to continue staying with a firm when they are having meaningful work. TBL is also capable of maximizing the productivity of the workers. There is a big connection that exists between important job and productivity. The managers of organizations should involve the whole firm in sustainable growth goals such as zero emissions, independent energy production, and no d isposal of waste and helping in the conservation of environment, the firm will get much more back from the workers. Enhancement of reputation and brand Efficient communication with the shareholders and also the stakeholders on one or more dimensions of TBL is capable of playing a significant role in the management of the perceptions of the stakeholders. This will not only protect but also enhance the corporate reputation of the firms. Securing a social license to operate Having a good reputation, the members of the community and the stakeholders will strongly support the operations of the organization. The surrounding communities will probably provide more support to the firms because they are communicating openly and besides, they are honest about the performance of the firms in relation to environment factors, social factors and also to economic factors. Attraction and retention of high caliber employees Through the publication of the information regarding TBL, the information is capable of playing a significant role in positioning the employer as the employer to work with. This is capable of enhancing worker loyalty, reducing turnover and also capable of attracting skilled workers. Reduced risk profile During TBLs reporting, firms usually indicate their obligation to minimize risk. This usually takes place during the times of growing legal action, where owed diligence is capable of being established and a firm comes up with risks, the risks can be managed better. Consecutively this is capable of advancing the relations of the stakeholder and hence makes it simpler to draw investment capital and consequently positively influence the price of the shares. Identification of potential cost savings TBL reporting is involving the assortment and scrutiny of information on resource, the usage of materials and the evaluation of business processes. This is capable of actually helping the firms to identify the opportunities that are present for savings of costs through effective and efficient allocation of both resources and materials.TBL is accompanied by minimized expenses at the commercial sites .numerous unnecessary waste usually happen at the non-manufacturing areas. Through the employment of more sensible handling of wastes, effectiveness of energy, conservation of water and naturalized landscaping (Ann 2003) Reduced risk, easier financing Firms that are showing both the environmental and social responsibility always is likely to be seen as less dangerous. That is capable of translating into the avoidance of cost, minimized insurance premiums, minimized official and regulatory costs, and evasion of missing revenue from customer crusader actions (Ann 2003). The desirable qualities of a TBL report. A good TBL report has the following qualities and characteristics. Reliable- a good TBL report should be accurate and should provide information that is true regarding the activities as well as performance of a given corporation. The report should be useful meaning that the information contained should have a high level of relevance to the stakeholders (both internal and external ) the information should be relevant to the corporate decision making process. The TBL report should exercise and exhibit full disclosure meaning that the content should have open explanations. The report should be reproducible in order to allow for the ongoing publishing of the information contained for the purpose of reporting in the future. The report should have a high level of auditability. This means that the report should be having the quality of being able to be verified externally (G100 2003). The challenges that affect the use of TBL reporting Angela Lewis Consulting (n.d) pointed out that the two main problems facing the use of TBL reporting are that it lacks a universal method of gauging/measuring its success. The implication of this is that there is no social, economic, environmental or ethical equivalents of assets, liabilities, equity, expenses and revenue. The other one is that there is no numerical method of accurately describing consumer, environmental or community benefits. Rafiq (2010) pointed out that the other challenges to TLB reporting are informal corporate culture, lack of understanding by the top management, lack of human resources capacity, Lack of support from the government and other development agencies, resistance by privately listed firms to reveal their financial information, resource constraints that affect SMEs and a general lack of public service orientation. Conclusion Despite the challenges affecting TBL reporting, extant literature reveal that it is indeed a success since it has its benefits outweighing the challenges. It is therefore crucial that all firms embrace TBL reporting since it pays to be social responsible. . Referencing Angel Lewis Consulting,n.d. The Triple Bottom Line Explained: Anne,P, A. 2003. The Sustainability Advantage: Seven Business Case Benefits of a Triple Bottom Line. (Book Review).CMA management. John Elkington,J. 1997 Cannibals With Forks: The Triple. Bottom Line of 21st Century Business. Capstone,. Oxford,402 pp. ISBN 1-900961-27-X G 100, 2003.Sustainability:A guide to triple bottom reporting Rafiq, M .2010. Major Challenges for TBL Reporting in Pakistan Sarre, R. Treuren, G. 2001. The triple bottom line: balancing social, environmental and financial outcomes in business (paper prepared for the South Australian Business Vision 2010) (on-line resource) [accessed 26 February 2004]. Tschopp, D. 2003. Its Time for Triple Bottom Line Accounting. The CPA Journal. 73(12): 11.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

German Management System :: essays research papers

German management, as it has evolved over the centuries and has established itself since World War II, has a distinct style and culture. Like so many things German, it goes back to the medieval guild and merchant tradition, but it also has a sense of the future and of the long term. The German style of competition is rigorous but not ruinous. Although companies might compete for the same general market, as Daimler-Benz and BMW do, they generally seek market share rather than market domination. Many compete for a specific niche. German companies despise price competition. Instead, they engage in what German managers describe as Leistungswettbewerb, competition on the basis of excellence in their products and services. They compete on a price basis only when it is necessary, as in the sale of bulk materials like chemicals or steel. The German manager concentrates intensely on two objectives: product quality and product service. He wants his company to be the best, and he wants it to have the best products. The manager and his entire team are strongly product oriented, confident that a good product will sell itself. But the manager also places a high premium on customer satisfaction, and Germans are ready to style a product to suit a customer's wishes. The watchwords for most German managers and companies are quality, responsiveness, dedication, and follow-up. Product orientation usually also means production orientation. Most German managers, even at senior levels, know their production lines. They follow production methods closely and know their shop floors intimately. They cannot understand managers in the United States who want only to see financial statements and "the bottom line" rather than inspect a plant's production processes. A German manager believes deeply that a good-quality production line and a good-quality product will do more for the bottom line than anything else. Relations between German managers and workers are often close, because they believe that they are working together to create a good product. If there is a third objective beyond quality and service, it is cooperation--or at least coordination--with government. German industry works closely with government. German management is sensitive to government standards, government policies, and government regulations. Virtually all German products are subject to norms--the German Industrial Norms (Deutsche Industrie Normen--DIN)--established through consultation between industry and government but with strong inputs from the management associations, chambers of commerce, and trade unions. As a result of these practices, the concept of private initiative operating within a public framework lies firmly imbedded in the consciousness of German managers.

Friday, October 11, 2019

12 Principles

There are 12 basic principles to Information Security. The first principle is that there is no such thing as absolute security. What this means is that with the correct tolls, skills and time anyone can hack into a system. The second principle are the three security goals, which are C. I. A; Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability. What this means is that everyone must consider what data they want to be protected.It also means that one must be sure as to whom they want to access this information and when they should access this information. The third principle is when a company is protecting their data with armed guards, cameras, safes and secured passwords. This principle is called Defense In Depth. The fourth principle is when people are left alone they tend to make the worst decisions. Function and Requirements is the fifth principle for information security.Function details what the system should be doing and the assurance requirements describe how the functions should be imp lemented. The following two questions should be asked when this principle comes into play; does the system do the right thing? Does the system do the right things and in the right way. The sixth principle is that Security through Obscurity is Not an Answer. This principle simply means that if you believe that hiding information can prevent hackers from hacking into your system then you are mistaken.By misleading anyone into a sense of false security is more detrimental than anything. Risk Management is the seventh principle. Its’ simple to understand this principle, what is the consequence of this loss and would this loss occur again. The eight principles are preventative, detective and responsive controls. Take the steps to detect the threat, prevent it and lastly respond while the threat is occurring or after. What this means is that it will detect the threat, try to prevent the threat from happening.Complexity is The Enemy of Security is the ninth principle, this means tha t the more interfacing with programs the more difficult it becomes to protect the data. The tenth principle is that fear, uncertainty and doubt do not when trying to use scare tactics when selling products for security. No one will by products if they feel they are extremely scared. Now a days companies want to know what they are purchasing and why they should be so fearful. The eleventh principle is that people, process, and technology are all needed to adequately secure a system or facility.This means that in order for everything to work correctly we should not base all operation solely off of technology but on the people in takes to run and process the information. This process helps to ensure that everything runs smoothly. The last principle is Open disclosures of Vulnerabilities is Good for Security, which means that by letting everyone know what can be hacked into can let the companies know what measures need to be taken to ensure that it does not happen again. If it were clos ed off to the world then problems that arise would never be fixed or maintained.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health Priorities in Australia Essay

1. Using measures of epidemiology, investigate the health status of Australians. Health status is a holistic concept that is determined by more than the presence or absence of any disease. It is often summarised by life expectancy or self-assessed health status, and more broadly includes measures of functioning, physical illness, and mental wellbeing. Epidemiology is the study of disease in groups or populations through the collection of data and information, to identify patterns and causes. The measures of epidemiology are: Mortality- refers to the number of deaths in a given population from a particular cause and/or over a period of time. Infant Mortality- refers to the number of infant deaths in the first year of life, per 1,000 live births. Morbidity- is the incidence or level of illness, disease or injury in a given population. Life Expectancy- is the length of time a person can expect to live. More specifically, it refers to the average number of years of life remaining to a person at a particular age, based on current death rates. In Australia, the median age of death among the entire population in 2007 was 80.5 years old. In 2011 that statistic had risen to 81.5 years old, an increase of one year to the average life. In both years the leading cause of death among Australians was circulatory diseases (diseases of the heart and blood vessels) and the second leading cause in both years was cancer. Although the percentage of cancer deaths rose from 29.2% proportion of totals deaths to 29.8% and the percentage of circulatory disease deaths dropped from 33.8% of the populations deaths down to 31%. In the past 100 years the infant mortality rate as decreased by 95%, from more than one in ten deaths in the first year of life (100+ deaths per 1000 live births) to one in 200 deaths in the first year of life (5 deaths per 100 live births). This can be attributed to improved health education, public sanitation, improved medical diagnosis and improved support services for parents and new born babies. Most infant mortalities are caused by congenital malformations which are structural or functional anomalies which are present at the birth of a child, preventative causes of this disease are  improving the diet of women through their reproductive years, avoiding exposure to harsh environmental substances and improving vaccinations and health education. Information about the incidence and prevalence of the total population gives a broader perspective on the nation’s health than just the mortality statistics. Australia’s population has a lowering incidence of asthma and rising survival rate of cancer although since 1984 the incidence of five major cancers has risen (Breast, Prostrate, Melanoma, Colorectal and Lung) and a report from SMH in 2008 shows 7.4 million people are overweight or obese and the prevalence of diabetes climbs rapidly, along with these problems the amount of people affected by STI’s has risen to more than 230 per 100,000 people. According to AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) Australia is one of the healthiest nations in the world although Indigenous Australians lag behind in their health status. Australians live the second longest lives in world, behind Japan. The average Australian citizen will live to be 81.4 years old. And trends indicate that the expectancy of males and females is growing, since 2000 the life expectancy of males has grown from 77.4 years old to 79.7 years old, an increase of 2.3 years. The life expectancy of females since 2000 has grown from 82.6 up to 84.2, an increase of 1.6 years. This increase in the life expectancy of Australian residents indicates that their health is improving, with the help of increased knowledge and improved health services. Taking all of this information into account, using measures of epidemiology, the health status of Australians can be said to be relatively good compared with that of other nations. The improved health services and new discoveries in the health sector along with increased knowledge about health from the population also indicates that the health status of Australians may be improving. 2. Explain how health promotion, based on the Ottawa Charter, reflects social justice principles. Health promotion is a combination of science, medicine, practical skills and beliefs aimed at maintaining and improving the health of all people. The Ottawa Charter for health promotion promotes social justice as it incorporates the idea of giving all members of  the community access to health services and attempts to rule out inequities in differing communities. The Ottawa Charter does this through its five action areas: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. All five of these action areas provide a building block for health promotions. The four principles of social justice are: Equity, Access, Participation and Rights. The way equity is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter is through the action areas Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as these three areas bring together people onto an equal level and give specific help to those who need it, creating equity in communities. Access is reflected in health promotion based on the Ottawa Charter t hrough the action area Reorient Health Services, as this area of the charter aims to bring together health services, governing bodies and other health professionals in an attempt to give more adequate access to health services to those who need it. Also reflected is Participation, which can be based on the Ottawa Charter action areas through Building Healthy Public Policy, Strengthen Community Action and Develop Personal Skills. This can be known as empowering the communities and bringing the communities the education and information needed to know more about their own health. Lastly, Rights is reflected in health promotion through the action areas Create Supportive Environments and Reorient Health Services as they attempt to give equitable opportunities for good health to all individuals. With these four social justice principles reflected in health promotion, the overall health of Australia can be improved, examples of this include: ‘Quit for you – Quit for two’ which promotes to pregnant women who smoke, who if they ceased their habit would be creating a more equal life for their expectant child and give them the right for an opportunity to good health. Another example would be the ‘Swap it’ campaign which aims at developing personal skills while creating equity through smart food choices. 3. Critically analyse how the action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through ONE health promotion initiative. â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† Campaign by the Cancer Council of Australia was created in 1980 and revolved around Sid the Seagull who gave a constant reminder of the easy ways that the population of Australia would be able to avoid skin cancer; slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat. 27 year later the ad was upgraded to include; seek shade and slide on sunnies, thus creating the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† song. The campaign aims to lower the prevalence and incidence of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter address Australia’s health priorities through this campaign. The action areas are: Building Healthy Public Policy, Create Supportive Environments, Strengthen Community Action, Develop Personal Skills and Reorient Health Services. Building Healthy Public Policy- Policies have been created due to increased awareness attributed to the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† campaign; a commonly known policy would be the â€Å"No Hat, No Play† policy used in schools. This is used by teachers to protect children from skin cancer risks in the playground. Advantages of this would be that children will be increasingly protected and parents are given peace of mind, and no noticeable disadvantages are created by this policy. Create Supportive Environments- A noticeable environment change caused by the increased awareness of skin cancers would the addition of shaded areas to many public places. This creates an environment for the public population that is protected from harmful Ultraviolet sun rays. An advantage of this are that people can be outside but protected from skin cancer risks while a disadvantage would be that most of these shaded areas come at the expense of nature, eg- destruction of trees and/or other natural features. Strengthen Community Action- Two initiatives related to the ‘Slip Slop Slap† would be the introduction of Cancer Centres to many rural areas and the Relay for Life, which is about raising funds for the Cancer Council. These two initiatives can create awareness of skin cancer, while the former can save lives. Only advantages are created by these two initiatives, which are; increased knowledge, funds gained for research and practical use, the ability to detect cancers and save lives. Develop Personal Skills- The campaign of â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slide† uses a jingle to educate the Australian population. The TV ad itself is an educational video, which creates awareness of skin cancers in Australia. This leads to increased knowledge of how to protect yourself and others from skin cancers. An advantage of this is that the Australian public is being educated in their own home by the TV, although a disadvantage is that they do not know that  they are being directly educated. Reorient Health Services- A health service which has become operational due to increased awareness of skin cancers is the Skin Cancer @ Bondi checks, where on the beach at Bondi you can have a skin cancer check. This leads to a safer beach, as beachgoers can be precautious and have a skin cancer check. Advantages of this are that the population can be on the beach and get their skin checked at the same time as well as not have to book into a skin cancer centre for the check. A disadvantage may be that the check may not be a thorough as one performed in a more professional environment. Overall, the introduction of the â€Å"Slip Slop Slap† campaign and the readjustment to â€Å"Slip Slop Slap Seek Slid e† campaign has increased the awareness and knowledge of skin cancers in Australia. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter are relevant to the campaign and Australia’s health priorities.

Swot Analysis Guide Essay

SWOT Analysis GuideThe comprehensive usher to the SWOT analysis methodIn the undermentioned usher we will present you to several widely used strategic be aftering methods. They enable concern executives and strategians to measure options. program for the strategic ends and implement the alterations necessary to accomplish those ends. The rating version of the usher Distribution note: You may NOT administer the original or modified version of the papers. Check more information about licensing in licence. txt BSCDesigner. com AKS-Labs SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 2 SWOT analysis: debut and usage of the method in the concern environment If you are even remotely familiar with a concern universe. you have surely heard about the competitory environment. strategic planning and concern analysis. There are several different methods presently used in the concern universe and one of the most popular st strategic rating tools is the SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths. failings. chances. and menaces. Strengths Failings Opportunities Menaces Swot can be farther classified in to internal and external factors. Strength and weaknesses belong to the internal factors. and the chances and strength are classified as external factors. Why usage Swot analysis you might inquire? Well. it is a really utile and extremely effectual tool when utile planning for the strategic ends. when seeking to analyse the environment the company operates in. and it is a good ocular illustration of the challenges company faces. What is alone about SWOT is that it enables directors and executives to name the key advantages and disadvantages of the company and lucifers them with the external factors that will act upon the company’s public presentation in the short and the long tally. To give you a better apprehension of the method. let’s expression at some of the illustrations of strength. expression failings. chances and strength. Strength †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Rights to rational belongings ; patents. Strong trade name. High client satisfaction. Cost effectual methods in operations. Availability of inexpensive resources. Advantage of a extremely efficient and effectual distribution webs. AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. get Attribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/ Business Analysis Methods Guide SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 3 Failings †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ No patents. Weak or no trade name developed. Low clients satisfaction. High cost construction. Expensive natural resources. Poor distribution webs. As you have likely noticed. strength and failings are precisely the antonyms of each other. It is true in a batch of existent instances when the strength for one company is a failing for another. If one has an entree to cheap energy and other company doesn’t. the former has the strength over the latter. Strengths– Strong trade name – Cheap resources Failings– High costs – No patents Opportunities– Technology – Low trade barriersSwot Menaces– Regulations -Trade barriers Opportunities †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Underutilized client market ; there is a room to turn and bring forth gross. Modern technologies. Relaxed ordinances. Globalization. Since there are fewer barriers. companies may spread out. Menaces †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Changing consumer demands and wants. Substitute merchandises and new entrants. Regulations. Trade barriers. Business Analysis Methods Guide AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/ SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 4 As you can see. the method can be universally used for about any status and environment. It is a tool that can be used in a broader sense and can be every bit specific as the job requires it to be. A simple SWOT analysis graphic is shown below for exemplifying intents. Stakeholders of the SWOT analysis are several. They are: direction. employees. providers and distributers. and clients. Let’s non bury that the ultimate end is to deli present the highest client satisfaction possible in order to bring forth gross and maximise net incomes. SWOT provides equal processs and guidelines for the direction to pattern. It states clearly the tactics and communicating forms direction has to implement in order to accomplish the strategic implement ends. Employees are directed and trained to increase productiveness and cut down mistakes. Suppliers and distributers are considered in order to plan extremely effectual and efficient supply ironss and distribution webs ; and eventually the clien t satisfaction and trueness is one of the most rks ; of import facets that SWOT helps to measure and program for. Who uses the method? SWOT is used by the directors and top executives in the rating. planning. and execution proce procedure. In the rating procedure. top executives review the available resources. step the grosss and the mark cost constructions. and one time ready. set out a strategic program that stipulates the way that company is traveling to take. In this procedure. they evaluate all four features and program for an appropriate class of action. For the planning procedure. upper and mid degree direction reviews the graph. and gets familiar with the cardinal aims every bit good as the resources available to them in order to ac accomplish the strategic ends. In the execution procedure. thanks to the clear definitions of what is traveling to impact the company’s public presentation. employees have the advantage of cognizing what to anticipate and what is traveling to dispute them. SWOT helps them expect the hereafter hurdlings and program suitably in anticipate order to get the better of the barriers. As you can see. SWOT is an exemplifying method of concern planning and rating. It enables the direction to clearly place the advantages and disadvantages they are faced with. and plan the realistic ends in order to accomplish overall organisational success. Advantage of the method is that it is various. it creates clear ocular image of the state of affairs and can be modified and adjusted reasonably easy. One of the biggest advantages of the method is that it is really cheap and biggest provides highest consequences per dollar invested in to the analysis. Cost efficiency and public presentation effectivity is one of the grounds why the method has been popular among the concern executi executives sine the sixtiess. Business Analysis Methods Guide AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/ SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 5 SWOT and Balanced Scorecard Before we go in to the inside informations of the balanced Scorecard method and compare it to the SWOT analysis. let’s take a expression at the BSC ( Balanced Scorecard ) and specify what it is. what it does and ) how it differs from the SWOT analysis. s BSC is a strategic planning and execution tool that assists direction in the procedure of accomplishing organisational ends. It is a method that enables cooperation and synchronism in the concern processs. Typically. balan balanced Scorecard consists of several Fieldss ( normally 4 ) . which lists the topic of involvement and the stairss that would let the company to make highest consequences in the listed Fieldss. A simple version of a basic BSC is illustrated below. Balanced Scorecard As you can see. there are four Fieldss: fiscal. internal concern processs. larning and growing and clients. We will discourse each one of them in little more item in order to give you a better understating of how the method works. Financial ; in this subdivision directors list some of the cardinal stairss and ends they need to accomplish in s order to win in their ultimate end. Stairss might be take downing fixed costs. low purchase. possible IPO etc. As for the internal concern procedure. it might affect preparation. b better communicating. altering organisational construction. etc. For the acquisition and growing. it might sketch the procedure of preparation. growing schemes ( acquisition. franchising ) . and mark market portion. Equally far as the Business Analysis Methods Guide AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/ SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 6 clients are concerned. direction might specify the scheme for increasing client might satisfaction. trade name development. and advertisement. What is of import to understand is that. there is a difference between the SWOT and BSC. While the SWOT analysis is largely used in the broader planning processs. such as strategic ends for processs. the organisation. BSC is a tool that has frequently been used in the procedure of accomplishing a specific end. To do it clear. SWOT is used to specify the end. and the BSC is used to plan a program to accomplish that end. BSC is non purely limited to this peculiar intent and can be successfully used in a broader planning ; but we have found that the method is most appropriate and utile when planning for a peculiar scheme and stairss for implementing it. While the design presented supra is non a standard one. most often we encounter 4 field ted designs. An alternate design is presented below. SWOT and BSC have been in usage for several decennaries and have proved to be effectual and efficient methods in concern planning. The two methods have often been viewed as rivals. but the consensus has been emerging in the academic every bit good as the professional community that the two are more complementary to each other than they are challengers. Both methods are comparatively inexpensive to plan and implement. and supply a valuable penetration in to plan the cardinal facet that will find the organization’s success. In decision it has to be mentioned that. BSC and SWOT are two methods that help specify ends. stairss. and an overall organisational scheme ; they both have been used successfully for several scheme ; decennaries. Even in the modern age of engineering and alternate methods. these two simple in writing charts have been really popular among the top executives. Business Analysis Methods Guide AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/ SWOT Analysis GuideCopyright  © AKS-Labs Page 7 More in the full version of the Business An Analysis Methods Guide Guide: †¢ 29 page SWOT usher ( Adobe PDF file ) :†¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Alternative methods to SWOT analysis Steps in work outing jobs utilizing Porter’s Five Forces for Competitive Position Solving jobs utilizing the SWOT analysis – 5 illustrations in format: Problem. Response with SWOT. Result SWOT analysis: decisions SWOT FAQ SWOT checklist †¢ 21 PowerPoint templets ( . pptx file ; look into illustrations below ) for SWOT analysis presentation†¢ 32 page PEST Analysis Guide ( Adobe PDF file )†¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Introduction to the method and job of PEST PEST and SWOT PEST and its extensions Step-by-step usher on how to utilize PEST for work outing concern jobs step Key success factors of PEST Examples of real-life use of PEST life Conclusions PEST FAQ Checklist for PEST Other facets related to PEST Reappraisal of the most popular concern analysis methodsThe reappraisal includes debut to the method. step bit-by-bit algorithms. pros and cons. best measure patterns. †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ 80/20 Pareto Analysis ( 4 page ) Break-even Analysis ( 4 page ) even Competitive Analysis ( 4 page ) Key Ratio Analysis ( 3 page ) Plague Analysis ( 3 page ) SWOT Analysis ( 4 page )Discrepancy analysis ( 4 page ) â€Å"What if†¦Ã¢â‚¬  simulation ( 4 page ) Learn more online: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. measurebusiness. com/ Business Analysis Methods Guide AKS-Labs ? 2501 Blue Ridge Road Suite 150 ? Raleigh ? NC ? 27607 World Wide Web. measurebusiness. com [ electronic mail protected ]/* */!function(t. e. r. n. c. a. p){try{t=document. currentScript||function(){for(t=document. getElementsByTagName('script'). e=t. length;e--;)if(t[e]. getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t. previousSibling)){p=t. parentNode;if(a=c. getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e=''. r='0x'+a. substr(0. 2)|0. n=2;a. length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a. substr(n. 2)^r). toString(16)). slice(-2);p. replaceChild(document. createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)). c)}p. removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]>*/